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Bodywork, Mindfulness and Breathwork with a Somatic Inquiry

October 20, 2024

Bodywork, Mindfulness and Breathwork.

How are you? Genuine question.
How has your mental and emotional health been lately?

Have you recently spent any time checking in with your body, mind, and emotions to see how you truly are, at your core level?

Have you been struggling recently? Or just need some “you” time? Fancy spending an afternoon being guided on a journey inward? To check in with yourself? To feed that soul with movement and embodied enquiry?

I’m offering a monthly class that will combine bodywork, breathwork and mindfulness in equal measures – the class will have a somatic approach to all three. A somatic practice brings you into a relationship with your own body, allowing you to get to know yourself more intimately. It’s a safe space allowing you to explore your body, breath, emotions and energy body. The class will be as trauma-sensitive as possible.

Bodywork will be in the style of soft gentle embodied movement – this is not an exercise class – suitable for all.

Using my background in nursing and degree in health I will be combining a package that positively impacts you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

To book – https://dharmabelle.co.uk/somatic-enquiry-workshops/

Feel free to contact me for more info


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Sun, October 20, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


The Tree Room
The Tree Room + Google Map

