Celandine (Doors open 7.30 for 8pm)
As far back as pre-Covid time (remember that?) we saw Celandine perform at a mini folk festival at the First Site gallery in Colchester. We were struck by their lovely harmonies, songs and arrangements. We thought then that we must book them sometime, but for one reason or another (not the least of which was Covid) it didn’t happen. Well, they are finally here.
Celandine consists of Carys, Rosemary, and a guitar (unnamed). Both classically-trained vocalists, Carys discovered folk and folk-rock after being dragged to a Fairport convention gig back in 1996, whereas Rosemary advertised for someone to sing folk songs with in late 2010, and didn’t realise what she was letting herself in for until it was much too late. They perform their own arrangements of traditional folk songs, originals (mostly written by Carys) and a few covers.
The first part will start with a number of floor spots (which MUST be pre-booked) followed by Celandine’s first 45 minute set. After a short interval we’ll have one or two more floor spots to warm up then Celenadine’s second 45 minute set.
Don’t miss this great duo.
Admission £8 — Concessions £7 — Floor spot performers £5 (note small increase in floor spot admission)
(TO BOOK FLOOR SPOTS call Alan on 01206 827759)
NB Club Admission is CASH ONLY and