Women’s Yoga Workshops From Perimenopause To Menopause
These workshops will explore all stages of the menopause. A warm welcome to gather, practice and share. Learning to slow down and listen to the bodies processes. You will learn feminine yoga practices, tools and self-care tips to help support and nurture you on your own unique journey. Chrissie will share her self-care wellbeing knowledge with warmth, wisdom and why she decided to take time out to study a Well Woman Yoga Therapy course. Chrissie intends to inspire other woman to take their health in their own hands with a positive approach.
Dates : Sunday 12th May / 2nd June.
Time 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Venue ~ The Commons Cafe @ The Minories Art Gallery, 74 High Street Colchester C01 1UE. (on arrival please enter the cafe using the back gate through the garden).
Content of workshops:
Women’s Yoga for Women’s Bodies ~ supportive feminine practices / release the pelvis.
Breathwork ~ techniques to help diminish anxiety, balance the emotions, cooling breath work.
Yoga Nidra ~ time to rest and dream… restoring balance to your body and mind.
Fresh Herbal Teas made by Chrissie ~ time to gather, share and chat with one another… an opportunity to be heard by women who know. Chrissie will share various self care resources & remedies and tips that help.
Inspiring stories, poetry and readings ~ find some comfort, ease and clarity in a time of uncertainty.
What to bring ~ a yoga mat (spare mats available if you forget), cushions, pillow and a blanket, journal for notes.
Booking essential as numbers are limited:
Cost ~ £25.00 per workshop.
Community concessions available please enquire.
To book your place email Chrissie on: chrissiejjoy@yahoo.co.uk
British Wheel of Yoga teacher ~ Well Woman Yoga Therapy for Women’s Health and Vitality. IYN accredited from Yoga Nidra Network.
Places can only be reserved once payment has been made.