A Little Angel Theatre production adapted from the book by Emma Dodd, “Me…” tells the story of a baby penguin finding his way in a vast world of snow and ice! Designed for ages 2-5, Paul T. Davies accompanied Winnie and her dad to the Mercury Theatre to review it, and here’s what Winnie, aged 4, thought.

PAUL: So, Winnie, what is Me about?

WINNIE: A penguin.

PAUL: And what’s the story about? (Pause) Was it about a penguin exploring the world?


PAUL: What was your favourite bit?

WINNIE: (Very animated now) When it hatches! And it snowed and was daytime and nighttime. And there was lots of dancing and swimming!

PAUL: And what did you think of Kate (Milner), the lady who did the puppeteering?

WINNIE: Great!

PAUL: And what did the little penguin shout when he was lost?


PAUL: And would you tell everyone to go and see it?


PAUL: And how many thumbs up would you give it?


So, there you have it! And it wasn’t just Winnie; the entire audience was captivated by this charming and beautifully produced piece. Highly recommended for your little one’s first theatrical experience!