Paul T. Davies reviews Fresh Knickers and a Gin and Tonic, staged at the Headgate.
This is a piece that isn’t as shallow as the title might suggest, tackling menopause and examining the effects and complications it brings to women in many ways. It’s an informative play, performed with boundless energy and enthusiasm, and is an entertaining hour. Written and directed by Heather Davis, a great deal of research has been done; vox pop pieces are projected onto the screen from women and celebrities such as Davina McCall, and the projections are fun and very much part of the experience.
At times, however, I felt the production was a little light, needing time to create the tension and uncomfortable situations women find themselves in. The music by Georgina St. George effortlessly captured the mood and spirit of the production.
As Cheryl, the main character, Sara Jane Derrick, gives an excellent performance, fizzing with nervous energy and despair, excellent comic timing and revealing a good singing voice. All performers multi role and Jodyanne Richardson does well in a variety of parts, especially best friend Sandra, belting out her numbers with skill and aplomb, and Elliott McMillan impresses in a multitude of roles, not least Fuzzy B, the fuzzy brain that Cheryle experiences.
With numbers such as Hot Flush Rap 1, Spa Zen, and, especially, Clubbercise, there are hints of Victoria Wood, and the production is slick and very well-choreographed in terms of moving set and switching characters. It’s very broad, though, and the male characters are little more than stereotypes. I’m also unsure as to why, in a prop heavy play, some props were mimed when actual ones were used.
In saying that, though, there was much to enjoy, and the piece is far from boring! It also incorporates the Cinderella story very well. It will speak directly to many women and teach a thing or two to those ignorant of the subject matter, which is exactly what theatre should do!