Bookbinding for Beginners and Improvers
Join expert Mark Cockram for this bookbinding for beginners and improvers course. This course covers both restoration of existing books and the creation of new bindings. This course is equally suitable for beginners and those with previous experience, since tuition is given according to individual needs.
The course emphasises the traditional skills and techniques of hand binding and helps you develop a deeper insight into this rewarding craft.
Of all man’s enduring artefacts the bound book is surely one of the most enlightening, useful and pleasing. Its present accepted form and structure results from 2,000 years of evolution, which has imposed craft disciplines unknown to the reader but a source of fascination to the enquiring booklover. This workshop will introduce you to the foundations of good hand binding and repair, dwelling on the important ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’. Although essentially a practical course, the exploration of underlying objectives in fine work will be covered in our discussions.
Whether you are completely new to bookbinding or already have some experience, we suggest that you bring along a selection of possible projects on which to work during the course. Advice will then be given as to the most suitable items to attempt.
Possible examples are:
– Making plain paper books.
– Loose material suitable for binding.
– Bound books in need of repair (If in any doubt about an item bring it along for consideration!).
– You can expect to receive instruction in various stages of producing a bound book:
Making up book sections.
– Preparation for and the technique of sewing.
– Making up endpapers and their attachment.
– Cutting the book with the use of plough and press.
– Rounding and backing the spine with the use of lying press.
– Cutting, making and attaching the cover.
– Lettering.
– Slip cases and boxes.
The aim is for everyone to leave on the last day with several finished items. If you would like to discuss the course content or a particular project further you may email the tutor direct on studio5bookarts@aol.co.uk.
To find out more, please visit our website: https://www.field-studies-council.org/courses-and-experiences/static-courses/bookbinding-for-beginners-and-improvers/