Botanical Illustration Using Mixed Media
Learn the art of botanical illustration using mixed media. Learn how to create a piece of botanical art using coloured pencils with an underlay of watercolour of water-soluble pencils.
Using coloured pencils on their own can take a long time to complete a piece of botanical illustration. You will be using water-soluble pencils or watercolour with dry pencils over the top. This way the image can be produced much faster, but with the same amazing results.
Included in this course will be a visit to Benton End, the former home of The East Anglian School of Art. Students will be able to spend time in the extensive grounds of this beautiful house, with time to study, enjoy and create before returning to Flatford.
To find out more, please visit our website: https://www.field-studies-council.org/courses-and-experiences/static-courses/botanical-illustration-using-mixed-media/