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Colchester Recovery Space

November 08, 2024

Our Colchester Recovery Space at Mercury Theatre is a drop-in space for people in recovery from addiction.
Join us in the cafe for a catch-up and to meet other people local to you in recovery.

What to expect:
First and foremost, a warm welcome! Our amazing team will be happy to welcome you to the space and to offer you a free hot/soft drink when you arrive.

It is a drop-in space, where you can come whenever you like – and for as along as you like. There will sometimes be activities, games or workshops, but it’s mainly a space to chat and meet new people.

You do not need to be registered with us to attend, but we do recommend it so that we can keep you up to date with what we are doing in your local area.

If you’d like to speak to a member of the ERF team before you arrive, please contact Nikki on nikki@essexrecoveryfoundation.org.

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Fri, November 8, 2024
10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Mercury Theatre Colchester
Mercury Theatre Colchester + Google Map


Essex Recovery Foundation