Putan Club + Earth Mother F*cker + Weapon Eyes
Tickets £7 / £6 concessions.
Doors open 7.30pm, starts 8pm
FeministElectronicIndustrialAvantRockEthnoTechnoSauvagerie (Italy/France)
“…The Putan Club exists precisely to cross borders, challenge limits, stir consciences, overthrow dogmas, prejudices and formatting, developing during each concert a manifesto of irreverence and libertinism which involves -literally- the public in a turmoil to which it is difficult to remain indifferent.(….) This Franco-Italian duo but from and to the whole world, forges what goes through their heads, from rock to techno, from jazz to avant-punk and world music, in a viral and very contagious experience that dared to defy the resistance of the participants of a long and intense festival day. And despite everything, the public did not stop making the revolution in a performance that invites and incites just that. It was impossible to find a better closing concert for this second day of Amplifest 2022…” LOUD!MAGAZINE (P)
Website : https://putanclub.org/
Official video channel : https://tinyurl.com/putanclubvideochannel
The word ‘seminal’ has been used a stock cliché by rock journalists since the early 70s to describe many obscure, but influential artists. But never has that claim been more exaggerated than with Anglo-American noise rock malcontents, Earth Mother F*cker. Active between 1988 and 2004 without troubling the charts or achieving any degree of critical appreciation, EMF failed even to profit from confusion arising between themselves and their younger, more attractive and much more popular namesakes.
Unremittingly harsh electronica carved from modular synths, with tinges of power-electronics and an unabashed disdain for listener comfort.