Zentangle and Neurographic Doodling
Want to find out what Zentangle and Neurographic Doodling is? Zentangle is one of the most relaxing, calming, and self-soothing doodling you can do. It is also seen as a form of Art Therapy.
This course will offer the opportunity to discover zentangle and neurographic doodling. When you Zentangle your focus is on drawing the patterns and not thinking about all the problems you have going on in your life. Once you know how, you’ll find you can spend hours doodling without realising how much time has passed, totally absorbed.
Another form of doodling that links in with Zentangle Doodling is a method called Neurographic doodling. It is an intuitive form of art that involves mindfulness and intentionality. We have over 100 billion neurons that transmit information from the brain to the rest of the body. These neurographic doodles kind of look like neurons and cells.
Neurographic and Zentangle doodling does not require art experience or drawing skills. It is meant to be free form and abstract. This is not a practice focused on the outcome, it is about what you experience as you create. But through this process, you can still create a beautiful piece of art and find creative self-expression.
To find out more, please visit our website: https://www.field-studies-council.org/courses-and-experiences/static-courses/zentangle-and-neurographic-doodling/