Paul T. Davies makes his picks of Colchester Fringe, starting with local theatre.

With over 66 events over ten days, incorporating theatre, dance, music, and experimental work, the fourth Colchester Fringe is bigger than ever! With more than half the shows originating from Colchester and the East Anglian region, here’s what has caught my eye. It may be a top ten, but it’s not a definitive list! Times, dates, and venues vary, so check out the website and book your tickets.

4.48 Psychosis

After a long hiatus, local company 3 Wishes are back with a challenging and utterly memorable work! The late Sarah Kane wrote masterful, powerful plays, most memorably Blasted, which caused outrage when it premiered at the Royal Court. This is probably one of her lesser-known works. Dealing with a mental health crisis, no one will claim this is a light or easy play to watch. However, it has been adapted as a two-hander with an excellent cast and director. Take your chance and be challenged.

Two Come Home

A truly home-grown and created play. I saw the work in progress at the University of Essex earlier this year, and the potential of the play has now been realised following its triumphant runs at both the Brighton and Camden Fringes. In a powerful gay story set in rural Kentucky, ex-prisoner and recovering addict Evan is unexpectedly reunited with a former lover amidst devastating homophobia. With live music, it’s a powerful piece not to be missed.

Fresh Knickers and a Gin and Tonic

Even the read-through earlier this year sold out. Heather Davis’s play is now a streamlined comedy featuring Cheryl, a middle-aged woman who would go “out out” if it wasn’t for the menopause! With original songs and poignant moments, this promises to be a gem.

Hide My Porn

A true-life story about cancer, written and performed by local actor Joseph Rawlings, based on his experience of developing testicular cancer… in his chest! In writing a letter to his best friend to outline what could happen, he asks him to hide his porn, making it clear that this will be no misery memoir! A humorous reflection on his experience, I have a feeling this will be one to watch.

No Strings Attached

There is fantastic music at the Fringe, and local drag artist Aria Close teams up with Frankie Heartless to bring the electric violin to life as you’ve never heard it before! I’ve seen Aria perform, and this is going to be unforgettable.

We Will Remember Them

It’s wonderful to see Stage Craft, the local community group, performing a range of shows at this year’s Fringe. I’ll select this one, which includes new writing, poetry, and songs commemorating the First World War ahead of Armistice Sunday.

The Pen and the Sword – Death of Lorca

A piece that investigates the assassination of playwright Lorca during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. It puts a welcome spotlight back on the gay playwright who wrote the classic play The House of Bernarda Alba.

Spit It Out

Another piece developed at the University of Essex; Emily has come out as a trans woman. But there is no guarantee that anyone will accept her as she is. Returning after a hugely successful run at the Brighton Fringe, this is one of many stories that need to be heard.

Shar Cooterie and the MT Promise

Drag is still enjoying its moment, and local legend Shar Cooterie has built up quite a following. Taking the dismissive comment that “Drag is for failed musical theatre entertainers,” Shar takes it and owns it in a new show featuring classics from musical theatre.

Poop Poop!

Running into the October half-term for the first time, there is a wealth of family shows, so check them out if you have young ones to keep entertained! Local group Minty Spectre is presenting several shows, and this new adaptation of The Wind in the Willows will delight audiences with original music and excellent narration.

Colchester Fringe runs from 15th October 25th to 3rd November.

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