On Saturday 19th November – International Men’s Day – the Robin Cancer Trust plan to break the Guinness World Record for the ‘Largest Simultaneous Self Check for Testicular Cancer.

Testicular Cancer affects 2,400 men a year in the UK, but is 98% curable if found early. The aim of the RCT is to raise awareness of this awful disease that affects so many young men, reduce the embarrassment and stigma of talking about our privates, and to save lives through educating men how to check themselves once a month for the signs & symptoms of testicular cancer.

The attempt will be lead by John Corr, NHS Urology Consultant, and is being organised by Darren Couchman, Community Engagement Manager and 21-year testicular cancer survivor (who set the original record in 2010!)

The event is co-organised by Oaks Hospital, and takes place in Sub-Zero at University of Essex, between 11am and 1pm.

The RCT need 250 men to help us break the record (it currently stands at 236)

There is no nudity (you will be checking yourself with your hands down your trousers)

Due to the nature of the venue (a nightclub), the event is for over-18’s only.

Due to the requirements of evidence to break the world record, this event will be filmed from beginning to completion – from the moment you enter the venue, to the moment you leave, you will be recorded.

Please only register is you can commit 100% to attending this event – capacity is limited, and although unforeseen drop-outs are to be expected – but we need to ensure we have enough numbers to break the world record!

All attendees will receive a certificate as a thank you for participating

We are very grateful to our co-organisers Oaks Hospital, and our hosts Sub-Zero at University of Essex for their support!

Sign-up today and be part of history, and most importantly, help the Robin Cancer Trust save lives.
